The Man From U.N.C.L.E

Charmed I’m sure. Yes I said charmed and you better believe it. This film adaptation of a forgotten cult TV show from the 60s is not only a deadly serious spy flick *wink, wink* but a dashingly, charming and humorous take on the spy game of the cold war. Guy Ritchie brings us a fresh […]

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Octopussy, is that you? Time and time again these days we are faced with reboots, or outright remakes of films from a few decades ago. In fairness I don’t have a problem with this, seeing as technologies change as does the calibre of actor, or just simply the presentation of a movie. This film, for […]

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Mad Max: Fury Road

George Miller makes a quintessential return to the Mad Max universe in what I view to be the best movie of at least this year (2015). In a dystopian future where water is a rare commodity, yet fuel and bullets reign supreme powering over the top vehicles which are worshipped. Max (Tom Hardy) is pursued […]

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