The Man From U.N.C.L.E

Charmed I’m sure. Yes I said charmed and you better believe it. This film adaptation of a forgotten cult TV show from the 60s is not only a deadly serious spy flick *wink, wink* but a dashingly, charming and humorous take on the spy game of the cold war. Guy Ritchie brings us a fresh look at the spy / comedy genre with cunning action and humorous contrasts throughout.

‘Oh my’ I here some of you say, well yes, I would agree, Henry Cavill puts in a tremendous performance as a dashing, suave, almost bond like character (I’m almost beginning to think the Bond actors of yesteryear were actually emulating the U.N.C.L.E characters) who knew Henry could perform so successfully the forlorn, vulnerable type as the Man of Steel himself to this very colourful and dynamic character, I did, and its wonderful to see it on screen.

The chemistry of the cast is fantastic to say the least. Each new development in the story brings both fun and decisive twists. Honestly I’m not really sure I’d have picked anyone else to play any of the roles, or even had anyone but Guy Ritchie direct! The feature rings fun all the way through, yes there are stereotypes but that plays off of the nature of the 60s.

All in all a great watch, mostly family safe aside from a few scenes but oh well a resounding 4.6/5 (that’s a 9.8/10 by the way, one disagrees with the imdb audience). I have one snag though, there was a hang frame which I’m not sure was intentional when Cavills’ character is in a gun fight, and it really gave me a niggle *sad face* whether it was intentional or not, it should not have been there.

GIVE ME SEQUELS!!!! *cha ching*

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