7 Days In Hell

There’s a part of me that wants to never read a real review of this project for fear of words like, obscene, grotesque, outrageous, but then I kind of already have, yet to my surprise all of those words had the suffix ‘ly’ (no not ‘love you’) Obscene became obscenely, grotesque was grotesquely etc. and quite rightly so because they were all prefixes for the singular description ‘funny’.

This mockumentary is nothing short of adult humour driven into almost overdrive, distinctly dry and British in its comedy, which I should hope as it’s about tennis, yes you heard me correctly, tennis. Adam Sandberg and Jon Snow, sorry Kit Harrington are two vastly talented and polarised tennis players, whose feud could not be any greater. For 7 long days they fight for each game, tit for tat, rally to rally, ace on ace. In fact I feel that this kind of humour is much needed in todays light, it’s dark, overdrawn, and quite frankly bombshell hilarious, don’t drink anything though or you’ll spill it, or breathe it or something, I did it all.

Kit and Adam play their characters brilliantly, filling the roles like they have done oh so well in their blockbuster features. But what happens when you put two unstoppable forces against each other? Do they annihilate each other? Come together harmoniously to save the day? You’ll have to watch to find out as here at SadBoy Reviews I’m not into spoilers.

I reckon you all should take the time to watch this if you want both entertainment or even your darker side to be nestled for a good hour and a bit. With surprise appearances from some big tennis stars and great comedians it’s a massive hit for TV comedy. If you feel it’s more ‘out’ than it is ‘in’ I apologise for recommending it. Then again, I don’t #SorryNotSorry.

I’m going to give it a 4/5. It falls down only to the fact that it’s humour is very dry in places and fails to deliver on some level, I’m just afraid in a tower of tangents and amazing comedic writing I can’t find what the number of that level is right now. Be sure to approach with an open mind and maybe spill a drink, or two, or even just gasp and cringe. FINISH HIM!!

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